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Better heating systems with circulator replacements

Did you know that 200 million circulators worldwide are inefficient and 100 million in Europe alone? The good news is, you can play a major role in reducing the world’s energy consumption – without much effort.

Replacing an old circulator can save up to 75% energy. That’s about the same energy it takes to run a television all year. And if all circulator pumps were highly efficient solutions such as the Grundfos ALPHA2, ALPHA3, or UPM3 GO Balance, it would equal the energy consumption of four million citizens!

We want to encourage you to replace inefficiency with efficiency, and we’ve developed the Grundfos GO Replace app to help you with your circulator replacements.

Designed to make circulator replacements as easy as possible, GO Replace offers installers a guide to replacing pumps in 5 simple steps:

  1. Open the GO Replace app
  2. Take a photo of the existing circulator pump
  3. Confirm the product number in GO Replace
  4. Discover the suggested circulator replacement and how to install it
  5. Create a report and share it with your customer

Download Grundfos GO on the AppStore:
Download Grundfos GO on GooglePlay:

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