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Why our location is the perfect hub for distribution in the Nordics

Our logistics partners love us because of the easy access in and out. We have drive-in access for vans with pallets in the back and drive-up access for vans picking up packages in the front. Also, we have free private parking for visitors and employees. But the real gem is the geographical position, which is placed right in the middle of two main transit zones. We are super connected with Europe in the south and the Nordics in the north. And this position will be even better when the upcoming The Fehmarn Belt fixed link opens in a few years. You can read more about that project here. In short, the location of our administration and logistics center is a unique selling point for us for both suppliers and customers. Please contact us for a company visit. We serve both wienerbrød & smørrebrød!

To get an idea about the infrastructure in Denmark, this video is a good introduction:

Here is a video about the Fehmarn project:

Oh, and our third largest bridge is about to be finished with renovations:

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