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Lun Energy is in a mad rush to help heat-pump installers

Excerpt from this article in TechCruch:

“We want to make them more efficient,” Martin Collignon continues. “So right now around 40% of the time spent on heat pump sales and installation is spent on not installing the heat pump… So we just want them to be able to do more heat pump installations, over the year, because they have less of the other stuff to do — the sales, the design, the procurement, the financing, the paperwork, the compliance work, finding other [tradespeople]… all these things.

“We want to make it automated, with the technology in there, so they don’t have to spend time doing that… And the result of that is that doing heat pump work will be at least as profitable as the other task — and hopefully more profitable — so they can focus on heat pumps because it’s just a great job for them. So it’s not as much of a pain in the butt as it is today.”

“It’s an industry that is less digitalized than most… and our goal — and what we really focus on — is [building] a product that they see as a no brainer,” Collignon adds.  “That’s really the challenge because they’re busy enough. So we really need to build something that they love. And that’s what we focus on right now.”

Read the full article here.

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